Block Users/Content
Add the ability to block a specific user or content that you don't want to see.
Add the ability to block a specific user or content that you don't want to see.
User blocking has been folded into the design discussions surrounding NSFW content handling. We understand the need for a blocking system, and we're looking at how to implement it.
Block could be implemented in different ways so I would like to sometimes not see what a user is posting in the public forum but also, I'd like for them to not be able to grab my minted free collectibles.
@AI_Odd_Art, hmmm interesting.... the same way you can mute notifications on WhatsApp fro 1h, 8h, 1 day, 1 month or forever you can block someone to grab your collectibles.
@Carlos Diaz, Never used WhatsApp but yes, as with any community, you may not want to engage with someone in any way for a large variety of reasons. Heck, I muted my cousin on Facebook because her content became political and stressful.
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